
Corporate Information:

RitzlFilm - ritzberger & ritzberger
CityOffice: Linke Bahngasse 7, 1030 Vienna, Austria
VAT identification number (VATIN): ATU13987408

Business purpose: Filmproduction | Service Production Company

Authority according to E-Commerce Gesetz: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Mödling
Craft name: Business consultancy, including business organization; Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (Austria).

Primary intention according to § 25 Mediengesetz: Informing the interested public and customers about the company's purpose and related activities.

Owner and media owner: Wolfgang Ritzberger

link lt. e-commerce Gesetz:

Fotocredits: u.a. Mag. Ludwig Drahosch, RitzlFilm, Marie-Rose Ritzberger

We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on our website and do not adopt their content as our own. This declaration applies to all links to external pages on our website.

Web design & development

Dipl. Graf. Henry Avellaneda

 +43 660 49 34 253